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Archive for the ‘Lindenberg Siegwart’ Category

Jonathan H. Turner, Jeffrey Alexander, Kenneth D. Bailey (dir.), Handbook of Sociological Theory

In Collins Randal, Lindenberg Siegwart, Ouvrage, Rôssel Jôrg, Ridgeway Cecilia L. on 2001/01/01 at 00:00

©Jonathan H. Turner, Jeffrey Alexander, Kenneth D. Bailey (dir.), Handbook of Sociological Theory, New York, Kluwer academic, Plenum Publishers, 2001, p. 745

Cecilia L. Ridgeway, Inequality, Status, and the Construction of Status Beliefs

Jörg Rôssel and Randal Collins, Conflict theory and interaction Rituals ; the micro foundations of conflict theory

Siegwart Lindenberg, « Social rationality versus Rational egoism »


Siegwart Lindenberg, « Social rationality versus Rational egoism »

In Article, Lindenberg Siegwart on 2001/01/01 at 00:00

© Siegwart Lindenberg,
Social rationality versus Rational egoism, in Jonathan H. Turner, Jeffrey Alexander, Kenneth D. Bailey (dir.), Handbook of Sociological Theory, New York, Kluwer academic, Plenum Publishers, 2001, pp. 635-668

Master Frames pp. 654-660

Hedonic frame: “[O]nly when feelings become the center of attention, i.e., when the situational goal is directly focused on arousal and/or pleasantness or unpleasantness, do they determine the aspects selected for attention, the chunks of knowledge that are activated, and the criteria for aspects selected for attention, the chunks of knowledge that are activated, and the criteria for judging he success of one’s plan of action. Then « hedonic » is an appropriate label. The time horizon of this frame is short because the goal is by definition linked to the here and now (see Loewenstein, 1996).” p. 656

Gain frame: “ First, the goal is the increase of resources held, such as increasing the amount of money one has. The other is to improve the efficiency of one(s production function, such as searching for a better paying job in order to increase the productivity of working time in terms of money? Although there are important differences between these aspects, they may be taken together in one master frame with the nameof « gain frame. » Such a frame is most typical of what people generally associate with self-interest.” p. 657

Normative frame: “For the functioning of norms, it is essential that norm conformity Lire le reste de cette entrée »